Most of the time there are things. It is rare that there are not thing. Sometimes I look at a thing and I notice that this thing is changing as well as I look at it. OK. Sometimes there is a thing in an other thing, sometimes this first thing is not a thing ; in general, when it happened, I ask this thing if I can paint it. If it is OK, I try. But... Each time I paint a thing, this thing change in an other thing. Then I find myself surrounded by so many things that I am lost in Things. Then, usually, I go for a walk.


    Né en France en 1990. Hervé Priou est diplômé de la Cambre à Bruxelles où il étudie les liens entre art et espace urbain. Après deux années d'itinérance, Hervé Priou intègre les Beaux Arts de Paris pour se concentrer sur sa pratique de la peinture à l'huile. Diplômé depuis 2018, il vit et travaille entre la Haute-Corrèze et Paris.

    Born in France in 1990. Hervé Priou graduated from la Cambre (Belgium) where he studies links between art and urban space. After two years of roaming, he joined the fine art school of Paris to focus on his paintings. Graduated since 2018, he lives and works between Paris and countryside of center of France. 


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